Infomation | ||
Name: | Shuguang Song | ![]() |
Title: | Professor | |
Phone: | 62767729 | |
Position: | ||
Email: | |
1981.09--1985.07 | B.S. | Geology, Changchun College of Geology, PRC |
1985.09--1988.07 | M.S. | Structural and Metamorphic Geology, Changchun College of Geology, PRC |
1998.09--2001.08 | Ph.D. | Metamorphic Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Science, Beijing, PRC |
1988.07--1998.09 | Xi'an Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources, Chinese Academy of Geological Science, Xi'an, PRC |
1998.09--2001.12 | Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Science, Beijing, PRC |
2002.04--2004.05 | Research Fellow (Post-doc), Department of Geology, Peking University, Beijing, PRC |
2006.04--2007.03 | Visiting fellow of the Royal Society at Department of Earth Sciences, Durham University, UK. |
2014.04--2015.04 | Visiting professor in Department of Earth Sciences, Durham University, UK |
2004.05--to now | Department of Geology, School of Earth and Space Science, Peking University, Beijing, PRC |
Science and Technology Progress Award (third class) by the Ministry of Geology & Mineral Resources (1996) Awarded for The Excellent Post-doc by Peking University (2004) Awarded for The Author of National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of China (2005) The Royal Society International Fellowship by the United kingdom (2006) Lithos Most Cited paper 2003-2007 Award (2007) Excellent Teaching Award by Peking university (2008) Honored for outstanding Young scientists of the natural science foundation of China (2008) Education and Teaching Award (second class) by the government of Beijing City (2009) Teaching Achievement Award (first class) by Peking University (2009) Science and Technology Progress (Natural Science) Award (first class) by the Ministry of Education of China (2011) |
Metamorphic Petrology for undergraduate students (each Autumn season from 2005-2009) Approach to igneous and metamorphic petrology: theory and methodology for undergraduate students Thin-section petrology for graduate students Advanced petrology for graduate students Field mapping/excursions for undergraduate students |
Member, International lithosphere Program Task¬−IV Associate editor of Associate editor of Associate editor of Guest Editor of Special "Lithos" Volume on "The origin, composition, evolution and present state of continental lithosphere", Vol. 96, Issues 1-2, 2007 (Elsevier) Guest editor of special “Journal of Asian Earth Science” (2007-2009). Vice-director commissioner of Chemical Geodynamics speciality committee, Geochemical Society of China (2009-2014) Organizer and field trip leader (Qilian subduction-zone complex) of the 30th International Geological Congress in 1996, Beijing, PRC Organizer and field trip leader of IUGE-SECE conference "The origin, evolution and present state of subcontinental lithosphere" in 2005, Beijing, PRC Organizing committee and field trip leader of the 8th International Eclogite conference (IEC) in 2009, Xining, PRC |
1. Magmatism and crust growth during continental deep subduction and orogen collapse in the N. Qaidam UHPM belt. National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), (grant no. 41372060), 2014-2017, 950,000 RMB (Sole PI) 2. Granulite metamorphism and TTG origin in the Eastern Hebei. National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), (grant no. 41430207), 2015.01-2019.12, 3,500,000 RMB (Shuguang Song co-PI with Wei Chunjing PI). 3. Tectonics and mineralization of Xing-Mogolia (Eastern Central Asian) Orogenic Belt. Major State Basic Research Development Projects (2013CB429800), 2013-2016, funds to Shuguang Song 550,000 RMB 4. Ophiolite and UHP metamorphism in the Qiling-Qilian-Kunlun giant orogenic belt. Program supported by China Geological Survey (grant no. 1212011121258), 2011-2014, 1,500,000 MRB (Sole PI) 5. Metamorphism and orogenic evolution. Innovative group foundation by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), (grant no. 41121062), 2009-2015, funds to Shuguang Song 900,000 RMB 6. High- and ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism and orogenesis in the Qinghai-Xizang(Tibet) Plateau, NSFC for outstanding Young Scientists (grant no. 40825007), 2009.1-2012.12, 2,000,000 RMB, finished (Sole PI) 7. Study on Partial melting and magmatism during transition from eclogite to HP granulite in the North Qaidam UHPM belt, NSFC (grant no. 40773012), 2008.1–2010.12, 420,000 RMB, finished (Sole PI) 8. Ocean subduction and continent collision and their geodynamics in the Qilian Mountains. The Foundation for the Author of National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of China (grant no. 200531), 2006-2009, 560,000 RMB, finished. (Sole PI) 9. Garnet peridotite and continental deep subduction in the north Qaidam UHP metamorphic belt. NSFC (grant no. 40372031), 2004-2006, 330,000 RMB, finished. (Sole PI) |
1. Song S G, Wang M J, Wang C, et al. 2015. Magmatism during continental collision, subduction, exhumation and mountain collapse in collisional orogenic belts and continental net growth: A perspective. Science China: Earth Sciences, doi: 10.1007/s11430-015-5102-x 2. Xu, X., Song, S., Su, L., Li, Z., Niu, Y., Allen, M.B., 2015. The 600–580 Ma continental rift basalts in North Qilian Shan, northwest China: Links between the Qilian-Qaidam block and SE Australia, and the reconstruction of East Gondwana. Precambrian Research 257, 47-64. 3. Wang, C., Song, S., Niu, Y., Su, L., 2015. Late Triassic adakitic plutons within the Archean terrane of the North China Craton: Melting of the ancient lower crust at the onset of the lithospheric destruction. Lithos 212–215, 353-367. 4. Wang, M., Song, S., Niu, Y., Su, L., 2014. Post-collisional magmatism: Consequences of UHPM terrane exhumation and orogen collapse, N. Qaidam UHPM belt, NW China. Lithos 210–211, 181-198. 5. Song, S.G., Niu, Y., Su, L., Wei, C., Zhang, L., 2014. Adakitic (tonalitic-trondhjemitic) magmas resulting from eclogite decompression and dehydration melting during exhumation in response to continental collision. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 130, 42-62. 6. Song, S.G., Niu, Y.L., Su, L., Zhang, C., Zhang, L., 2014. Continental orogenesis from ocean subduction, continent collision/subduction, to orogen collapse, and orogen recycling: The example of the North Qaidam UHPM belt, NW China. Earth-Science Reviews 129, 59-84. 7. Chen, Y., Song, S.G., Niu, Y.L., Wei, C., 2014. Melting of continental crust during subduction initiation: A case study from the Chaidanuo peraluminous granite in the North Qilian suture zone. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 132, 311–336. 8. Song, S.G., Niu, Y.L., Su, L., Xia, X.H., 2013. Tectonics of the North Qilian orogen, NW China. Gondwana Research 23, 1378-1401. 9. Song, S.G., Su, L., Li, X.H., Niu, Y.L., Zhang, L.F., 2012. Grenville-age orogenesis in the Qaidam-Qilian block: The link between South China and Tarim. Precambrian Research 220, 9-22. 10. Xia, X.H., Song, S.G., Niu, Y.L., 2012. Tholeiite-Boninite terrane in the North Qilian suture zone: Implications for subduction initiation and back-arc basin development. Chemical Geology 328, 259-277. 11. Cao, Y., Jung, H., Song, S.G., 2013. Petro-fabrics and seismic properties of blueschist and eclogite in the North Qilian suture zone, NW China: Implications for the low-velocity upper layer in subducting slab, trench-parallel seismic anisotropy, and eclogite detectability in the subduction zone. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 118, 3037-3058. 12. Xiao, Y.Y., Niu, Y.L., Song, S.G., Davidson, J., Liu, X.M., 2013. Elemental responses to subduction-zone metamorphism: Constraints from the North Qilian Mountain, NW China. Lithos 160, 55-67. 13. Zhang, C., Zhang, L.F., Bader, T., Song, S.G., Lou, Y.X., 2013. Geochemistry and trace element behaviors of eclogite during its exhumation in the Xitieshan terrane, North Qaidam UHP belt, NW China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 63, 81-97. 14. Song, S.G., Su, L., Li, X.H., Niu, Y.L., Zhang, L.F., 2012. Grenville-age orogenesis in the Qaidam-Qilian block: The link between South China and Tarim. Precambrian Research 220, 9-22. 15. Xia, X.H., Song, S.G., Niu, Y.L., 2012. Tholeiite-Boninite terrane in the North Qilian suture zone: Implications for subduction initiation and back-arc basin development. Chemical Geology 328, 259-277. 16. Song, S.G., Zhang, C., Li, X.H., Zhang, L.F., 2011. HP/UHP metamorphic time of eclogite in the Xitieshan terrane, North Qaidam UHPM belt, NW China. Acta Petrologica Sinica 27, 1191-1197. 17. Cao, Y., Song, S.G., Niu, Y.L., Jung, H., Jin, Z.M., 2011. Variation of mineral composition, fabric and oxygen fugacity from massive to foliated eclogites during exhumation of subducted ocean crust in the North Qilian suture zone, NW China. Journal of Metamorphic Geology 29, 699-720. 18. Song, S.G., Su, L., Li, X.H., Zhang, G.B., Niu, Y.L., Zhang, L.F., 2010. Tracing the 850-Ma continental flood basalts from a piece of subducted continental crust in the North Qaidam UHPM belt, NW China. Precambrian Research 183, 805-816. 19. Song S.G., Niu Y.L., Wei C.J., Ji J.Q., Su L., Metamorphism, anatexis, zircon ages and tectonic evolution of the Gongshan block in the northern Indochina continent, Southwest China. Lithos, 120, 327-346. 20. Zhang, G., Ellis, D., Christy, A., Zhang, L., Song, S., 2010. Zr-in-rutile thermometry in HP/UHP eclogites from Western China. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 160, 427-439. 21. Song S. G., Niu Y. L., Zhang L. F. and Bucher K. The Luliangshan garnet peridotite massif of the North Qaidam UHPM belt, NW China - a review of its origin and metamorphic evolution. J Metamorphic Geology, 2009, 27, 621-638. 22. Song S.G., Su L., Niu Y., Lai Y., Zhang L.F., 2009. CH4 inclusions in orogenic harzburgite: Evidence for reduced slab fluids and implication for redox melting in mantle wedge. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73, 1737-1754. 23. Song S.G., Zhang G.B., Su L., Niu Y., Zhang L.F., Two types of peridotite in North Qaidam UHPM belt and their tectonic implications for oceanic and continental subduction: a review. Journal of Asian Earth Science, 35 (2009) 285–297. 24. Song, S G, Niu, Y., Zhang, L.F., Wei, C.J., Liou, J.G., Su, L. Tectonic evolution of Early Paleozoic HP metamorphic rocks in the North Qilian Mountains, NW China: New perspectives. Journal of Asian Earth Science, 2009, 35: 334-353. 25. Zhang, G.B., Song, S.G., Zhang, L.F., Niu, Y.L., 2008. The subducted oceanic crust within continental-type UHP metamorphic belt in the North Qaidam, NW China: Evidence from petrology, geochemistry and geochronology. Lithos 104, 99-118. 26. Cao, Y., Song, S. G., 2009. Deformation and metamorphism of HP belt in the North Qilian Mountains and their implications for exhumation. Acta Petrologica Sinica 25, 2235-2246 27. Song, S. G., Niu, Y. L., Zhang, L. F., et al., 2009. Time constraints on orogenesis from oceanic subduction to continental subduction, collision, and exhumation: An example from North Qilian and North Qaidam HP-UHP belts. Acta Petrologica Sinica Volume: 25 Issue: 9 Pages: 2067-2077. 28. Wei CJ, Wang W, Clarke GL, Zhang LF, Song SG. Metamorphism of High/ultrahigh-pressure Pelitic-Felsic Schist in the South Tianshan Orogen, NW China: Phase Equilibria and P-T Path. Journal of Petrology, 50 (10): 1973-1991, 2009 29. Liou J.G., Ernst W.G., Song S.G., Jahn B.M., Tectonics and HP–UHP metamorphism of northern Tibet – Preface. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 35 (2009) 191–198. 30. Zhang Lifei, Wang Qianjie and Song Shuguang, 2009, Lawsonite blueschist in Northern Qilian, NW China: PT pseudosections and petrologic implications, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. doi: 10.1016/j.jseaes. 2008.11.007 31. Zhang G.B., Zhang L.F., Song S.G., Niu Y.L., 2009, UHP metamorphic evolution and SHRIMP dating of meta-ophiolitic gabbro in the North Qaidam, NWChina, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences . doi: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2008.11.013. 32. Zhang G.B., Song S.G., Zhang L.F., Niu Y., 2008. Oceanic crust affinities within continental-type UHP metamorphic belt in the North Qaidam, NW China: evidence from petrology, geochemistry and geochronology. Lithos, 104, 99-108. 33. Wei C. J. and Song S. G., 2008. Chloritoid–glaucophane schist in the north Qilian orogen, NW China: phase equilibria and P–T path from garnet zonation. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 26 (3): 301-316. 34. Zhang L.F., Lü Z., Zhang G.B. & Song S.G., 2008, The geological characteristics of oceanic-type UHP metamorphic belts and their tectonic implications: Case studies from Southwest Tianshan and North Qaidam in NW China, Chinese Science Bulletin , 53, 3120-3130 35. Zhang LF, Ai YL, Song SG, Liou J, Wei CJ. A brief review of UHP meta-ophiolitic rocks, southwestern Tianshan, western China. International Geology Review 49 (9): 811-823,2007 36. Song S.G., Ji J.Q., Wei C.J., SU L., Zheng Y.D., Song B., Zhang L.F., Early Paleozoic granite in Nujiang River of northwest Yunnan in SW China and its tectonic implications. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2007, 52 (17), 2402-2406. 37. Song S.G., Zhang L.F. Niu Y., Wei C.J., Liou J. G., Shu G.M., 2007. Eclogite and carpholite-bearing meta-pelite in the North Qilian suture zone, NW China: implications for Paleozoic cold oceanic subduction and water transport into mantle. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 25, 547-563. 38. Song S.G., Su L., Niu Y., Zhang L.F., 2007. Petrological and Geochemical Constraints on the Origin of Garnet Peridotite in the North Qaidam Ultrahigh-pressure Metamorphic Belt, Northwestern China. Lithos, 96, 243-265. 39. Niu, Y.L. & Song S.G., (2007) The origin, evolution and present state of continental lithosphere (Preface), Lithos, 96 (1-2): IX-X. 40. Zhang LF, Ai YL, Li XP, Rubatto D, Song B, Williams S, Song SG, Ellis D, Liou JG. Triassic collision of western Tianshan orogenic belt, China: Evidence from SHRIMP U-Pb dating of zircon from HP/UHP eclogitic rocks. Lithos 96 (1-2): 266-280, 2007. 41. Xu ZQ, Yang JS, Wu CL, Li HB, Zhang JX, Qi XX, Song SG, Qiu HJ, 2006. Timing and mechanism of formation and exhumation of the Northern Qaidam ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic belt. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 28 (2-3): 160-173. 42. Song S.G., Zhang L.F., Niu Y., Su L., Song B. and Liu D. Y., 2006. Evolution from oceanic subduction to continental collision: A case study of the Northern Tibetan Plateau based on geochemical and geochronological data. Journal of Petrology, 47, 435-455. 43. Zhang L.F., Song S.G., AI, Y.L., and Liou J.G.. 2005. Relict coesite exsolution in omphacite from western tianshan eclogites, China. American Mineralogist, 90, 181-186. 44. Xiao XC, Wang J, Su L, Ji WH, Song SG, 2005. An early aged ophiolite in the western Kunlun Mts., NW Tibetan Plateau and its tectonic implications. Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition 79 (6): 778-786. 45. Song S.G., Zhang L.F., Niu Y., Su L., Jian P. and Liu D. Y. 2005. Geochronology of diamond-bearing zircons from garnet-peridotite in the North Qaidam UHPM belt, North Tibetan Plateau: A record of complex histories associated with continental collision. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 234, 99-118. 46. Song, S.G., Zhang, L.F., Chen, J., Liou, J.G., Niu, Y., 2005. Sodic amphibole exsolutions in garnet from garnet-peridotite, North Qaidam UHPM belt, NW China: implications for ultradeep-origin and hydroxyl defects in mantle garnets, American Mineralogist, 90, 814-820. 47. Zhang, G. B., Song, S. G., Zhang, L. F., et al., 2005. Ophiolite-type mantle peridotite from Shaliuhe, North Qaidam UHPM belt, NW China and its tectonic implications. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 21, 1049-1058. 48. Su L., Song S.G. and Zhou D.W., 2005. Petrogenesis of Songshugou dunite body in the Qinling Orogenic Belt, Central China: Constraints from geochemistry and melt inclusions. Science in China (Series D), 48, 1146-1157. 49. Song S.G., Zhang L.F., Niu Y.L., Song B., Zhang G.B. and Wang Q.J.. 2004. Zircon U-Pb SHRIMP ages of eclogites from the North Qilian Mountains, NW China and their tectonic implication. Chinese Science Bulletin, vol. 49 (7), 848-852. 50. Su L., Song S. G., Song B., Zhou D. W. and Hao J.R. 2004. SHRIMP zircon U–Pb ages of garnet pyroxenite and Fushui gabbroic complex in Songshugou region and constraints on tectonic evolution of Qinling Orogenic Belt. Chinese Science Bulletin, 49: 1307-1310. 51. Song S.G., Zhang L.F. and Niu Y.L., 2004. Ultra-deep origin of garnet peridotite from the North Qaidam ultrahigh-pressure belt, Northern Tibetan Plateau, NW China. American Mineralogist, 89, 1330–1336. 52. Song S G, Yang J S, Xu Z Q, Liou J G, Wu C L and Shi R D, 2003. Metamorphic evolution of coesite-bearing UHP terrane in the North Qaidam, northern Tibet, NW China. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 21, 631--644. 53. Song S G, Yang J S, Liou J G, Wu C L, Shi R D, and Xu Z. Q., 2003. Petrology, Geochemistry and isotopic ages of eclogites in the Dulan UHPM terrane, the North Qaidam, NW China. Lithos, 70 (3-4), 195-211. 54. Yang, J S; Xu, Z Q; Zhang, J X; Song, S G; Wu, C L; Shi, R D; Li, H B; Brunel, M, 2002. Early Palaeozoic North Qaidam UHP metamorphic belt on the north-eastern Tibetan plateau and a paired subduction model. Terra Nova, 14 (5): 397-404. 55. Yang, J S, Xu, Z Q, Song, S G, Zhang, J X, Wu, C L, Shi, R D, Li, H B, Brunel, M & Tapponnier, P, 2002. Subduction of continental crust in the early Paleozoic North Qaidam ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism belt, NW China: Evidence from the discovery of coesite in the belt. Acta Geologica Sinica, 76, 63-68. 56. Chen, WM; Huang, YC; Iizuka, Y; Lo, CH; Wu, HQ; Song, SG; Yang, JS; Xu, ZQ; Yang, HY. 2002. Integrated P-T paths of the high-pressure rocks and their tectonic implications for the mountain-building of the North Qilian, China. Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition, 76 (1): 44-62. 57. Yang J, Xu Z., Song S., Zhang J., Wu C., Shi R., Li H., Brunel M., 2001. Discovery of coesite in the North Qaidam Early Palaeozoic ultrahigh pressure (UHP) metamorphic belt, NW China, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 333, 719-724. 58. Su L, Song S G and Wang Z H, 1999. CH4-rich fluid inclusions in the Yushigou mantle peridotite and their implications, North Qilian Mountains, China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 44 (21), 1992-1995. 59. Song S.G. and Su L. 1998. Rheological properties of mantle peridotites at Yushigou in the North Qilian Mountains and their implications for plate dynamics. Acta Geologica Sinica (English edition), 72 (2): 131-141. 60. Wu H Q, Feng Y M and Song S G, 1993. Metamorphism and deformation of blueschist belts and their tectonic implications, North Qilian Mountains, China. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 11: 523-536. |
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